Executive Coaching & Mentoring

Armstrong leadership development

Building The Leaders of Tomorrow.

Executive Coaching & Mentoring

Armstrong leadership development

Building The Leaders of Tomorrow.

Executive Coaching & Mentoring

Armstrong leadership development

Building The Leaders of Tomorrow.

about me

Chief Armstrong

Chief Chris Armstrong embodies a legacy of excellence in Public Safety spanning an impressive 35 years. His commitment to service and leadership has made him a revered figure in the industry, sought after for his insights and guidance.

In his role as a Leadership Development coach and mentor, Chris has transformed countless leaders, helping them realize their true potential. His dedication to ongoing education and self-improvement sets a standard for others to follow.

Having served as Fire Chief, Chris led a team of 400 First Responders with unparalleled distinction, elevating standards of public safety and garnering high citizen satisfaction. His expertise in leadership and management has been instrumental in shaping safer communities.

As a John Maxwell Certified Coach, Leadership Trainer and Public Speaker, Chris shares his wealth of knowledge and passion for empowerment. His dynamic presentations inspire audiences to confront challenges and unlock their hidden talents.

Chris believes in the transformative power of personal growth and finds purpose in witnessing others flourish. As a trusted leader who can rally teams in times of need, Chief Armstrong stands as an exceptional choice for those seeking inspiration and guidance.








Spark your victory

Transform Your Mindset

Cultivate a growth-oriented perspective, fueling personal & professional development to achieve success.

Transform Your Mindset

Cultivate a growth-oriented perspective, fueling personal & professional development to achieve success.

Empower Your Leadership

Unlock your innate abilities and cultivate a mindset of growth to lead with confidence and impact.

Empower Your Leadership

Unlock your innate abilities and cultivate a mindset of growth to lead with confidence and impact.

Inspire Positive Change

Lead with innovation and vision, guiding individuals toward transformative growth and long-lasting career fulfillment.

Inspire Positive Change

Lead with innovation and vision, guiding individuals toward transformative growth and long-lasting career fulfillment.


services designed to ignite your fullest potential

Executive coaching

Executive coaching


My mentorship approach is tailored to the specific needs and aspirations of each client. I take the time to understand their unique challenges, strengths, and goals, ensuring that my guidance is relevant and impactful.

Specialized Techniques

Specialized Techniques

My approach involves identifying and leveraging an individual's unique strengths and talents to enhance their leadership effectiveness. By focusing on what clients do well and how they can maximize their strengths, I help them build confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose in their leadership roles.

Executive coaching


My mentorship approach is tailored to the specific needs and aspirations of each client. I take the time to understand their unique challenges, strengths, and goals, ensuring that my guidance is relevant and impactful.

Specialized Techniques

My approach involves identifying and leveraging an individual's unique strengths and talents to enhance their leadership effectiveness. By focusing on what clients do well and how they can maximize their strengths, I help them build confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose in their leadership roles.

leadership development

leadership development

Personalized Training Programs

Personalized Training Programs

I prioritize holistic development, encompassing personal growth, emotional well-being, and professional success. Through candid conversations and insightful feedback, I help clients develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their leadership style.

Proven Strategies

Proven Strategies

I serve as a steadfast source of accountability and support for my clients. I hold them accountable for their commitments and provide unwavering encouragement, empowering them to overcome obstacles and stay focused on their goals.

leadership development

Personalized Training Programs

I prioritize holistic development, encompassing personal growth, emotional well-being, and professional success. Through candid conversations and insightful feedback, I help clients develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their leadership style.

Proven Strategies

I serve as a steadfast source of accountability and support for my clients. I hold them accountable for their commitments and provide unwavering encouragement, empowering them to overcome obstacles and stay focused on their goals.

keynote speaking

keynote speaking

Inspirational Storytelling

Inspirational Storytelling

Crafted around powerful storytelling that captivates audiences and resonates with their experiences. By sharing my personal journey, challenges overcome, and lessons learned, I connect with listeners on an emotional level, inspiring them to believe in their own potential and pursue their dreams with passion and perseverance.

Customization for Audience Needs

Customization for Audience Needs

I understand that each audience is unique, with distinct goals, challenges, and interests. As such, I customize my keynote presentations to address the specific needs and priorities of each audience, ensuring relevance and maximum impact.

keynote speaking

Inspirational Storytelling

Crafted around powerful storytelling that captivates audiences and resonates with their experiences. By sharing my personal journey, challenges overcome, and lessons learned, I connect with listeners on an emotional level, inspiring them to believe in their own potential and pursue their dreams with passion and perseverance.

Customization for Audience Needs

I understand that each audience is unique, with distinct goals, challenges, and interests. As such, I customize my keynote presentations to address the specific needs and priorities of each audience, ensuring relevance and maximum impact.


check out What my clients have to say

"Engaging speaker delivering relevant information and perspective for organizational leadership & personal development."

"Engaging speaker delivering relevant information and perspective for organizational leadership & personal development."

Georgia State Firefighters Association

Georgia State Firefighters Association

"Outstanding presentation! Great speaker. Great conference. I'm proud of my fire industry. I've been inspired this week. I can't wait share the knowledge and apply what I've learned to shape the next generation of fire leaders."

"Outstanding presentation! Great speaker. Great conference. I'm proud of my fire industry. I've been inspired this week. I can't wait share the knowledge and apply what I've learned to shape the next generation of fire leaders."

Georgia State Firefighters Association

Georgia State Firefighters Association

"This session opened my eyes to how I can grow, lead, and be not only a better person in general but a better colleague within my department. If you want to know how we can become better as an individual or department, I highly recommend listening to Chief Armstrong."

"This session opened my eyes to how I can grow, lead, and be not only a better person in general but a better colleague within my department. If you want to know how we can become better as an individual or department, I highly recommend listening to Chief Armstrong."

Georgia State Firefighters Association

Georgia State Firefighters Association

"Engaging speaker delivering relevant information and perspective for organizational leadership & personal development."

Georgia State Firefighters Association

"Outstanding presentation! Great speaker. Great conference. I'm proud of my fire industry. I've been inspired this week. I can't wait share the knowledge and apply what I've learned to shape the next generation of fire leaders."

Georgia State Firefighters Association

"This session opened my eyes to how I can grow, lead, and be not only a better person in general but a better colleague within my department. If you want to know how we can become better as an individual or department, I highly recommend listening to Chief Armstrong."

Georgia State Firefighters Association

"This class led by Chief Armstrong is great for that person who has the desire to become a leader and help others in a positive way no matter the circumstances."

"This class led by Chief Armstrong is great for that person who has the desire to become a leader and help others in a positive way no matter the circumstances."

Hall County Fire Rescue

Hall County Fire Rescue

"Extremely engaging and positively emotional setting amongst peers who are able to share stories and events that have either helped or hindered their lives. Leadership is one of the most significant qualities in an individual and this mastermind class will help anyone create their leadership path."

"Extremely engaging and positively emotional setting amongst peers who are able to share stories and events that have either helped or hindered their lives. Leadership is one of the most significant qualities in an individual and this mastermind class will help anyone create their leadership path."

Hall County Fire Rescue

Hall County Fire Rescue

Very insightful, informative, and personal. Chris did a great job combining his years of leadership experience within his Fire service career and personal life to present real and personal experiences to add to the already impactful information from the book. I learned a lot from this experience and have begun implementing what I’ve learned in my own life. I would definitely participate in another course instructed by Chris.

Very insightful, informative, and personal. Chris did a great job combining his years of leadership experience within his Fire service career and personal life to present real and personal experiences to add to the already impactful information from the book. I learned a lot from this experience and have begun implementing what I’ve learned in my own life. I would definitely participate in another course instructed by Chris.

Hall County Fire Rescue

Hall County Fire Rescue

"This class led by Chief Armstrong is great for that person who has the desire to become a leader and help others in a positive way no matter the circumstances."

Hall County Fire Rescue

"Extremely engaging and positively emotional setting amongst peers who are able to share stories and events that have either helped or hindered their lives. Leadership is one of the most significant qualities in an individual and this mastermind class will help anyone create their leadership path."

Hall County Fire Rescue

Very insightful, informative, and personal. Chris did a great job combining his years of leadership experience within his Fire service career and personal life to present real and personal experiences to add to the already impactful information from the book. I learned a lot from this experience and have begun implementing what I’ve learned in my own life. I would definitely participate in another course instructed by Chris.

Hall County Fire Rescue

positive impact at your workplace

positive impact at your workplace

impactful speaking engagements

As a seasoned speaker and presenter, it's been an absolute privilege to share my insights with hundreds of leaders across the United States.

The fact that I've been invited to present at several major fire service conferences, is a testament to the impact my message has had on industry leaders.

My hope is that through my presentations, I can inspire and empower leaders to take bold action to achieve and crush their goals!

As a seasoned speaker and presenter, it's been an absolute privilege to share my insights with hundreds of leaders across the United States.

The fact that I've been invited to present at several major fire service conferences, is a testament to the impact my message has had on industry leaders.

My hope is that through my presentations, I can inspire and empower leaders to take bold action to achieve and crush their goals!

positive impact at your workplace

impactful speaking engagements

As a seasoned speaker and presenter, it's been an absolute privilege to share my insights with hundreds of leaders across the United States.

The fact that I've been invited to present at several major fire service conferences, is a testament to the impact my message has had on industry leaders.

My hope is that through my presentations, I can inspire and empower leaders to take bold action to achieve and crush their goals!

places i've spoken

conference presentations

  • Fire Rescue International

  • National Fire Academy

  • Fire Department Instructors Conference

  • Southeastern Association of Fire Chiefs

  • Florida Fire Chiefs Association

  • Colorado State Fire Chiefs

  • Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs

  • Fire Rescue International

  • National Fire Academy

  • Fire Department Instructors Conference

  • Southeastern Association of Fire Chiefs

  • Florida Fire Chiefs Association

  • Colorado State Fire Chiefs

  • Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs

places i've spoken

conference presentations

  • Fire Rescue International

  • National Fire Academy

  • Fire Department Instructors Conference

  • Southeastern Association of Fire Chiefs

  • Florida Fire Chiefs Association

  • Colorado State Fire Chiefs

  • Georgia Association of Fire Chiefs

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Building The Leaders of Tomorrow.

© Chris Armstrong Leadership 2024. All rights reserved.

Designed by Wisdom Studios

Building The Leaders of Tomorrow.

© Chris Armstrong Leadership 2024. All rights reserved.

Designed by Wisdom Studios

Building The Leaders of Tomorrow.

© Chris Armstrong Leadership 2024. All rights reserved.

Designed by Wisdom Studios